Monday, October 29, 2007

Google Page Rank

Following up on last weeks discussion on Google's toolbar PageRank. This blog continues to have a Page Rank of 5. That seems consistent with what I've been hearing; the inbound links haven't changed, I don't sell links, or have a massive network of links (blogroll expansion to the left, notwithstanding).
However, I have recently purchased a number of other domains through They've all seen dramatic PR drops, from PR4 to PR0, and a couple from PR3 to PR1. Now for the $9 registration, I had figured I'd just put up a basic blog page, and see if there was any traffic. I'm assuming the PR drop is more from the lack of content on the pages for a while, rather than anything else.
One other interesting thought; posts 10/2 and back have Page Rank show up in the Google Toolbar, those after that, don't.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Link building activities

Some good reads on linkbuilding activities.

How to get links using blog carnivals.
Jim Boykin discusses Made for Review Blogs. He's the first person I've seen mention this, but they're definitely popping up like weeds.
Michael Gray interview on advanced link strategies.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Why so many posts?

If you subscribe to this blog via email, you may have noticed several recent days with many posts, many of which seem recurring. I'm updating all the posts with titles, so you'll be seeing a number of older posts show up, as I go back through and update them. I'll also post, in the next few weeks, some indications of what impact this has had on Google rankings. Previously, all blog posts had just indexed under, without the detailed URL information, and I'm now on the way to getting this changing.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Google Ad Words glitch

My latest post over at the"> blog, on Google AdWords.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Google's back reindexing this page following the removal of the NoFollow tag. Interestingly, it took about 5 days to crawl the page, and reindex, similar to what I saw on a couple of other pages with the same issue, and relatively similar Google PR.
