How to pull a tractor
How to pull a tractor:
Option 1: Walk up, grab rope and pull
Option 2: With the benefit of hindsight, notice the following:
a) without anywhere substantial to brace your feet, you're pulling entirely with your arms
b) there's a piece of wood that doesn't move (unlike mud), that feet can be braced on.
c) in general, pulling things with both feet braced is substantially easier
d) I'm at my absolute strongest deadlifting, so putting both feet against the vertical post will work best
e) Deadlifting is toughest at the beginning, so bend your legs a bit to make sure you're at your strongest point, when you need to do the work.
f) Once you get momentum going, keep going, it's much easier.
g) There's a reason people on the "Strongest Man" contest wear gloves. Ouch!.
h) Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it
i) Sometimes there are unexpected rewards - like free kettle corn if you succeed.