Wednesday, July 29, 2009


If you're an Internet marketer, you're probably aware of Jeremy Shoemaker (ShoeMoney). He's got a charity auction currently going on, to promote a company at Affiliate Summit by wearing their T-shirt. At a current $1,400 bid, it seems like it would pay for itself pretty quickly. I have a feeling it may get close to the 10k bid from last year, as it gets closer to closing.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Catalina Coupons

Being out on the West Coast for the Merchandising Workshop reminded me of a vendor I had worked with a while back. If you've ever wondered, where do those coupons in the supermarket come from? It's Catalina Coupons... They had a fascinating variety of demographic selects that you could match up for your product, and did a nice job of matching up offers to products you purchased.

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Buzz 2009

I'm attending Buzz 2009 in Washington, DC. Lots of great advice, beginning with Andy Sernovitz talking about Word of Mouth Marketing. So many people are Twittering, you can almost follow the presentatioins in realtime.

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