If you're searching for blogs on Marine Corps Marathon, Blogger's search works well. Here's a great story.
Interesting value add from a radio station. It's a Lifestyle guide, from Scott, who always wears a nametag. Good approach to building loyalty.
CEO of The Mather Group, LLC. Online reputation, focused on SEO and Wikipedia.
If you're searching for blogs on Marine Corps Marathon, Blogger's search works well. Here's a great story.
Marketing Sherpa has an article entitled: Feeling Dorky -- 10 Tips on Presenting at Webcasts and Live Teleconferences. We've recently started using videoconferencing at our office, and after realizing I had spent a decent part of the test looking shifty from looking off screen, long forgotten television knowledge started to resurface. The article linked above has some good tips. I'm going to try and look directly at the camera, not wear shirts with small patterns on them, and be careful with the handwaving.
I've seen/heard about 6 Verizon ads (Metro/Email/Signage) in the last two days. Most were promoting their $14.95 high speed (768Kbps). Where you search their site, they try to upsell you to their 3.0Mbps which is eventually 29.95/month with a contract. They've been using the tagline in their graphics: This is Powerful Stuff. I'm wondering how this is going to play in the markets where they're simultaneously offering FIOS. It appears they're assuming the people who order FIOS are sophisticated users who know the benefits of high speed, while perhaps the DSL ads are more at people who just want a bit more speed and not dialup? Or, FIOS is widely unavailable, and they'll adapt their strategy as the roll out grows.
Should VoIP Start Ups Start to Worry? by Om Malik.
Steve Pavlina is experimenting with Polyphasic sleeping. It's a method of sleeping 6 times a day for about 20 minutes. Theoretically, you go right into REM sleep. Supposedly, one of the famous Renaissance artists used it. ...I read vigorous debates on training techniques of famous runners, on a running site, with multiple sides, and have even seen the actual runner himself shouted down, so I'm skeptical anyone would know what Michaelangelo did...
I happened to pick up a copy of Busting Vegas
Labels: blackjack, blackjack systems, busting vegas, card playing
Here's the phrase of the day: "continuous partial attention" Marc Eisenstadt has 12 years of email, and lots of detail on what it's composed of. Here's the interesting paragraph:
Some more fun links to books.
I've been meaning to set up a bookshelf section of the blog, to highlight some of the good business books I've read recently. This prompted me to finally sign up for an Amazon.com Associates account, which I'd been meaning to do for a while. This provides another avenue to get some stats on the blog, and may eventually net me a free book or two. I recently read "Never Eat Alone"... It's a great book on "networking"...more accurately, it's got a lot of great tips on improving how you interact with people everyday. Definitely worth reading if you're in a business working with clients on a daily basis. |
All publicity is good publicity? Probably not, if you're Verizon and have 10,000 phone lines out, in midtown Manhattan.
I'm a big fan of Backpackit.com. It's a great tool for easily managing a to-do list when you use multiple computers. Kareem posts on their philosophy of development.
I'd like to thank everyone who's subscribed to this blog via email. This will likely be the first email post to many of you. See techical details below...Thanks for subscribing, and be sure to visit www.joshgreene.com for anything you might have missed.
I was thrilled to read that AOL was acquiring Weblogs, Inc, Jason Calacanis's company. I'm in a completely different part of the company, but I think he's been doing great things in the blogging space, and that area can do nothing but grow. He seems to have found a business model that works, and with more resources behind him, could grow to something that would challenge About.com, which was purchased for 10x more. Plus, with the new resources behind him, that should enable the network of blogs to grow that much faster, and bring in more revenue. Great news!
How to do a deal with Google. Good insight into how the world works there.
If this Dilbert cartoon shows up several times, are people trying to tell me something?